The Dartmoor Village of National Historical Importance in operation since 1999 at no cost to public funds. |
997: Her on šissum geare ferde se here abutan Defenanscire into Sęfern mušan and žęr heregodan ęgšer ge on Cornwealum and on Noršwealum and on Defenum, and eodon him ža up ęt Wecedport and žęr micel yfel worhton on bęrnette and on mannslihtum, and ęfter žam wendon eft abutan Penwišsteort on ža sušhealfe and wendon ža into Tamer mušan and eodon ža up oš hi comon to Hlydanforda, and ęlc žing bęrndon and slogon že hi gemitton, and Ordulfes mynster Tęfingstoc forbęrndon and unasecgendlice herehyše mid him to scypon brohton. |
![]() Stone Pillar in Lydford Commemorating the Viking Attack on Lydford in AD997 |
997: Here in this year the raiding-army travelled around Devonshire into the mouth of the Severn, and there raided, both in Cornwall and in Wales and in Devon; then they went up at Watchet, and wrought great harm there by burning and slaughtering of men, and after that turned back round Penwith Tail to the south side, and then turned into the mouth of Tamar, and then went up until they came to Lydford, and burned and killed everything that they met, and burned down Ordwulf's monastery at Tavistock, and brought indescribable war-booty with them to the ships'. Penwith Tail = Land's End, Cornwall Ordwulf's Monastery at Tavistock was only six miles (10 km) south of Lydford. It had been founded in ca. AD 974 under the supervision of the King's brother-in-law Ordwulf, and was a very wealthy establishment. |
![]() The Plaque on the Pillar shown above |